October 21st, 2018 is Aspen Jewelry Designs 25th anniversary. Twenty-five years. How many people are fortunate enough to do a job that they love for 25 years, and do it with there best friend.
When I was 18 years old I was convinced that I was going to own a jewelry store. My friends always said how lucky I was to know exactly what I wanted to do in life. I dont see it as luck, more like good fortune. When I was 18, I met my brother, my friend and my confidant, Rick Little. Eight years later, Rick and I opened Aspen Jewelry Designs.
It was a pretty big year for me. We opened our business in October, 1993, I married the woman of my dreams in April, 1994, and we bought our first house the following August. Kids came a little later, thank goodness!
Twenty-five years.
It hasnt always been easy. Retail is a fickle you know what. But, somehow, through thick and thin, we always prevailed. We wouldnt have survived the last 25 years without the support of our community. I love that our customers are our friends and neighbors. I love that when I attend a charity benefit I see the same friends and neighbors there supporting the same cause. We dont talk about politics, we talk about helping people. Well, maybe politics come up a little.
Twenty-five years by the numbers.
My favorite sales have always been engagement rings and wedding bands. Being a part of such a happy occasion is a wonderful feeling that never seems to get old. Since 1993, we have sold, designed and created 5,001 engagement rings and wedding bands. When I saw that number I about fell off my chair. Included in that number is nearly 1,700 carats in diamonds. Thats a lot of carats!
We seem to be pretty well known for replacing watch batteries as well. Not the real glamorous part of the job but an important part of our customer service. We have changed a mere 33,747 watch batteries since we opened our doors.
We have also done our fair share of jewelry repairs; 58,107, give or take a couple. That number really floored me. We have shortened watch bands, refurbished family heirlooms, and fixed that anklet that seems to break in a new spot every year.
Twenty-five years of friendship.
I love to reflect on how we started, what we have created, and the wonderful friends we have met along the way. I feel satisfied that we have built a business that has supported our families and our community. It really has been an incredible ride filled with memories that will last forever.
A big shout out to my goldsmiths, Ricky and Natalie. When a customer thanks me for repairing their ring or necklace, I say dont thank me, thank those two talented goldsmiths. They make my job a piece of cake!
Another shout out to Mike, Megan, and Erica for your dedication to Aspen. You make it a treat to come to work every day. And to Larry, Jeannette, David, Bryce, Carlos, Kacie and everyone else who has passed through our doors and helped make Aspen what it is today. And, to the lovely Jean Jones, Rick and I miss you every single day.
And finally, thank you Rick for believing in me and giving me the opportunity and freedom to live my dream for the past 25 years. If I wasnt already married…